Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Jonathan!

I was almost 5 years old when my brother Jonathan was born. I very clearly remember the day he came home from the hospital. My pre-school carpool dropped me off around noon and I remember racing into the house. I really wanted to get to see him first--before Sheridan got home from Kindergarten. There he was, the sweetest dark-haired baby. I remember thinking that he was really long.

Jonathan was (and really still is) an adorable little brother. Big eyes, long eyelashes, and he had that great scratchy toddler voice. From just about day 1, Jonathan and Gregg were a team. One of my favorite Jonny moments is on video--we were all telling our new year's resolutions (circa 1984). Gregg said that he would only watch one cartoon a day. And Jonathan piped in "I watch cartoons every day" Cutest kid ever.

I really hope Jonathan has a son one day that is just like him.