Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Scars of Grace

Yesterday, I spent time writing an account of the day I broke my leg. Today, I erased it. I'm not even sure why because there are details I want to remember. My memories of that day 4 months ago are already starting to get's scary how fast that happens.

Instead of a narrative of the day, I'm going to list the signs of grace from March 15, 2015. Almost instantly, there were things to be super thankful for and I would rather be marked by scars of grace than scars of pain.

 The kids were perfect. G, almost one, is the kind of baby who happily crawled inside with me so I could get my phone. (It didn't occur to me until later to be thankful for that, but I'm beyond grateful that he didn't make a run crawl for freedom.) And yes, I do wish I had a video of G, Izzy the dog, and I crawling into the house. E, 3 years old, went ahead of us and got her doctor kit. Precious. I wish I had a picture of that.

 The neighbors were home and had a key. They were there in moments. Kelly took the kids and Brian took me to the ER.

Everybody I called actually answered their phones.

The emergency room was close by and not at all busy. I was in a bed with a morphine drip in less than 5 minutes after my arrival.

 The ER nurse could not have been nicer. She reassured me, joked with me, and explained everything...over and over.

The ER doc knew exactly what he needed to do.

Did I mention the morphine?

 Gregg and Jessica rushed home from Dallas and were at the hospital just in time for my release. And just in time for Gregg to ask all kinds of questions I hadn't even thought about.

My mom was already planning to be in Oklahoma the next day. She changed her flight so she would arrive in OKC instead of Tulsa.

 My mom's the kind of mom who says, "I'll be here as long as you need me." (13 weeks, that's how long I needed her.)

My mom is close friends with an orthopedic surgeon. A really great one.

Gregg and Jessica got me set up on their couch and took amazing care of me. Jessica worked from home the next day so I wouldn't be alone. And she made sure I didn't die trying to get to the bathroom. (My brother did a really great job of picking a sister for me.)

From this first day alone there was so much to be thankful for, I'm continually overwhelmed by the mercy and grace God has shown me through this experience.

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