Thursday, October 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Yolanda K.

I always wanted a best friend. I have always had friends--close friends even--but it wasn't until college that I met my best friend. It took a couple of years to get to add the "best" part but Yolanda and I became friends our freshman year in college. We bonded over crazy roommates and ER. And she helped pull me out of a deep, dark hole when my world crashed down junior year. Even though we haven't lived in the same city in over a decade, Yolanda K. is still my most trusted and dependable friend. She really sees me. That can be a little bit scary because I work pretty hard to hide some things. But it can also be pretty great because her insight helps me see myself a bit more clearly. I cannot imagine who I would be without her.

(If we were in 6th grade, I would totally get her one of those necklaces that say "best friends"--I have always wanted one of those)

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